
Monday, September 12, 2011

pink flowers are... of my most favorite things. They make me smile. So when I saw these at the store, slightly past their prime, but only $4, I thought about it for only a few seconds, then stuck them in my cart.

Once home, I pulled off the dead flowers and stuck them in an old canning jar on my kitchen table. I don't even know what they are. Snapdragons, maybe? They remind me of sweet peas.

The colors in them are so soft, fading from a true pink to the palest shade of blush, and the green stems are the perfect shade of green. I'd have this color scheme in every room of my house if it was up to me.

They'll be gone in a few days, their beauty dropped bloom by bloom into the trash, but for now, they live on my table and bring a smile to my face every time I catch sight of them.

1 comment:

  1. Snapdragons. And, yes, I love the pink and green too. Don't you think people should dress like flowers or birds...yeah sure, me in my black outfit. I'm glad you bought them and enjoyed their beauty.
