Thursday, June 26, 2014

gelli session (lots of pics)

We have Pamela from Cappuccino and Art Journal to thank for this post. She admired the envelopes I posted a while ago, we emailed back and forth a few times and without too much trouble, talked ourselves into Pamela coming to visit for a day. Last Monday she took BART from San Francisco, I picked her up from the station nearest my house, and we spent the day in my studio and gelli printing lab (aka my kitchen), stopping only to go get huge sandwiches from the local deli.

We each churned out a lot of deli paper, envelopes, and book pages while yapping non-stop. We'd never met in person but have been exchanging mail art for a while. We swapped "where I live" booklets a while back - I really need to post about that because it was a lot of fun. Anyway, we hit it off great and once we got to my house, we never stopped talking and laughing unless our mouths were full.

Too. Much. Fun.

No matter how much you keep in touch online, there is simply no substitute for getting together. I'd post more about our visit, except that I didn't take a single damn picture. Crazy, I know. And sooo unlike me but I know Pamela did, so when she posts about her visit, I'll direct you over there. She did gift me with a cool little booklet which deserves its own post.

Double click each pic to see it large, the best way to look at gelli prints. Over the year and a half I've been gelli-ing, I've learned that I have no desire to make pictures like some folks are doing. I don't even especially care for specific stencils or masks, such as leaves or silhouettes. I really love the random patterns made from lots of layers of various marks such as bubble wrap, pattern stencils, etc. And I love the grungy ones, which is why I never clean my plate or my brayers.

Envelope with hand made foam addy stamp.

Love doing gelli prints on book pages.

Huge bubble wrap that was pressed into rolled out paint
on the plate to make marks, then pressed
onto this page to use up the picked up paint.

The design is the bottom of a card board egg carton
pressed into the rolled out paint.
Open your eyes to *everything* when thinking
about what you can make marks with.

I squirted paint onto the plate, then wandered off
to talk to Pamela about something.
When I came back and rolled out the paint,
it still left the swirl imprint. Interesting.


  1. I am working on my blog post about the visit right now!!!! Say tuned. And no kidding -- it was too much fun! Thank you so much.

  2. How fab!! I might have to whip out my gelli plate again soon!

  3. Okay my geli plate results are nothing like yours! Can I come over LOL...

  4. You've inspired me! I've been wondering what art direction I was going this I know - gelli plate out for sure! These are great - I love big bubble dots!

  5. Oh my gosh...what fabulous prints!! And what a fun day that obviously must travel to Colorado to spend a day with me!!!!

  6. I loved Pamela's post about your day together, and so wish I could play with you both in person.
