Thursday, June 30, 2011

the rarely-blooming gardenia... blooms

I planted this thing a bit over 4 years ago when we moved in here. It had a bloom on it when I bought it, and bloomed again (1 flower's worth) in 2008, but has never flowered since. I'm sure it's missing some key ingredient in the soil but I'm a tough love gardener and have only watered it and maybe given it a shot or two of Miracl-Gro. I think I googled gardenias once, but then my hard boiled egg timer went off and that was the end of that.

But this morning, walking back inside from waving DH off to work, I saw it.

A bloom.

A big beautiful gardenia.


  1. It must know you're leaving...


  2. Oh, how pretty. That's one flower I can't grow in my Michigan garden. You do a great job of capturing the beauty...dewdrops on the flower.
